Maybe you have seen the show Ruby on Style Network, if you haven't, let me tell you a little about the woman. Ruby was almost 500 lbs. and was told that if she didn't lose weight, she most likely would not live very long. So with her friends and a team of health professionals to help her, she started the adventure of changing her life. She decided that she needed to do this on her own without bariatric surgery. She has all ready lost over 100 lbs. but still has a long way to go and the Style Network is chronicling her story.
I went to her blog (which isn't updated very often) and found her entry for the day she was on the Oprah show. She had this to say...
"I do believe with all my heart that this is an addiction like alcoholism or drug abuse. But let me bring a little awareness to this—and maybe this will make some of you understand: When dealing with alcohol or drugs, you have to completely go cold turkey to beat it. With food, we cannot go cold turkey. We have to eat to live! We have to beat our addiction and still taste our addiction. Do you think, if you were to tell an alcoholic, "You still have to drink this every day"—could they beat it?"
I found this statement very profound. It is so true...
I know I am not a bad eater per say, but I am an emotional eater. So, when I stress I eat and with my life (I am sure most peoples lives) I am stressed often. I want to eat, so I put the wrong things in my mouth to satisfy my need and well, you get the picture.
Unfortunately, I don't have the means to hire a team of health professionals to help me. I am doing this on my own. It can be done, but it will take a lot of work, drive and discipline on my part. I recognise that I have an addiction and I need to be aware of this at all times. I am grateful for the eye opener.
I'm an emotional eater too. It takes constant vigilance to over come it and I wish it was easier.