Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I went to see my chiropractor yesterday, when I checked in I noticed the office manager looked significantly smaller since the last time I saw her. Dr. Jeff came in and he looked amazing. I asked what was going on in the office and he told me they were getting really healthy and losing weight. He is about 80 lbs. lighter and Darlene is down about 55 lbs. She is a little older than me and has been over weight for a long time. She also has many of the same problems I have had including surgery to remove her thyroid.

I quizzed them both and found out how they are doing it and it doesn't sound easy, but it is working. NO CARBS, NO SUGAR, NO APPLES, BANANAS OR PEARS. NO ROOT VEGGIES (there goes my potatoes) and NO PEANUTS. Lots of protein, berries, citrus and veggies. I don't know if this is my cup of tea, I want to lose weight, but I also want to be realistic. I need bread, well okay I don't NEED bread, but I like bread. Darlene is going to give me her diet plan in a few weeks and until then, I am going to keep doing what I am doing.

I do have to admit that I am inspired, if someone who is very similar to me can become healthy, then I can too. It may be in a different way, but it is possible.


  1. We NEED those encouragers along the way who by example or word keep us on the trail! Our vacation (see my blog) has helped keep me on track. I've made very intentional food choices and walking some trails (though challenging and exhausting at times) has been a good spring-board for a healthy summer. Keep up your good work, Gina!

  2. I love my bread too! And my sugar! I don't have as much self discipline as I should that's for sure. I have really cut down on how much bread and sugar I eat though and that's helped a lot as has regular excercising.

    This blog background is so pretty.

  3. I am another one trying hard to lose a bit of weight but not confident enough to blog about it. I don't want to eat like your chiropractor and office manager. I just want to eat smaller portions and less of anything white. However, everyday I struggle and remind myself that this is for life not for a month. It is a long process.

  4. What they are doing is similar to what I'm doing with The Zone type diet. Carbs aren't evil, it's just that our American diet is so full of the wrong kinds (refined and sweet). Our bodies don't know the difference between a banana and a candy bar when it's too many carbs to handle either way. The insulin has no choice but to turn the extra into fat.
