Friday, May 29, 2009

Trudging Through

It has been a while since I posted here. Life has a way of speeding by sometimes.

Because of the business, I find I am having a harder time following through with good choices. But hanging in there and taking one day at a time helps.

Kevin and Lance love eating dessert, every single night they eat dessert. I have made healthy options available for them and they will eat them, but they would rather have the ice cream sundays and coconut cream pies.

This is the strategy that I have been taking. I will make sure there is fruit and sugar free puddings and jello available, along with fat free cool whip or whipped topping. If, for whatever reason, this isn't working for them and Kevin has stopped at the store to by a "treat" as he calls it, I will prepare it for them with the knowledge that I have the other options for me. But sometimes this doesn't work, and the pie or ice cream calls out my name.

I have to forgive myself and move on. ONE DAY AT A TIME...ONE DAY AT A TIME! This is my day at a time. I also have to remember that it didn't take me two weeks to get this unhealthy and heavy, so it is not realistic to think that it will take two weeks to slim down and get healthy.

I am trudging through one day at a time.


  1. I am identifying! It is such a battle. I wish that I could be hypnotized to dislike any desserts! Here are some of the things I tell myself. Sometimes they help . . .
    1.One Day at a Time
    2.It does not taste that good.
    3.You are not that hungry.
    4.The good feeling and tasting is so temporary.
    5.Go for a walk.
    6.I do not regret today what I did not eat yesterday.
    7.All I need is one taste.
    8.Eating something leftover is just as wasteful as throwing it away and probably more dangerous to my health.
    9.Do you want to be full or thin?

  2. We only have one day at a time so that is a good way to look at it. I deal with two guys who like desserts too so I know the challenge. I try to have things on hand for them that don't tempt me. Fortunately, ice cream is one of those things. They like it and I'm not tempted by it (I have really senstive teeth so I avoid cold things like that). Cookies and pie are a whole different thing though...

  3. I was wandering from one "Christians getting health" site to another this evening, looking for motivation and trying to keep away from snacking! I hadn't read this post, so it was just what I needed! Brenda's 9 suggestions were ALSO helpful. Keep up your good strategy and keep your "eyes" on Jesus!
