This past week was the fourth week and we had another weigh-in. We were also measured. I have lost a total of 7 lbs. in four weeks (this does not include the weight I lost when I had pneumonia). Out of fifteen contestants (one dropped out), I took the top spot for inches lost......
Dat ta da!!!! Sixteen inches in one month!!! That's what I said, sixteen! I absolutely couldn't believe this, in fact, I had the woman who was measuring me do it again and sure enough, it was a whopping 16 inches over all.
I credit this to the boot camp style calisthenics and the surge training that I do every day. Also, I am really watching what I put in my mouth. I wanted to write down a sample of what I eat.
This is my food intake for a day, but please note that this changes daily.
Breakfast: Steel cut oats, 1/4 cup organic whole milk and one packet of Truvia (sweetener made from the stevia plant)
Mid Morning Snack: Medium orange, one ounce of organic 83% cocoa dark chocolate
Lunch: Tuna wrap made with whole wheat tortilla, tuna, 1/2 pickle, shredded carrots, 1/2 spring mix lettuce, chopped tomato and 1 tsp. Italian Dressing
Mid Afternoon Snack: Handful of grapes
Dinner: Salad with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, walnuts, shredded white cheese, 2 tbs. organic dressing, grilled chicken, roasted asparagus with lemon and olive oil
Evening Snack: Handful of pecans and fruit of some kind.
As you can see, it is a lot of food. Everything is as natural or organic as possible. Chicken and eggs are organic and free range, meat is grass feed and hormone, antibiotic free. I had a week or so of sugar detox, but after that I have not had any sugar cravings. (We are allowed the one ounce of dark chocolate as long as we eat it late morning or early afternoon). Also, I can have as much fruit and veggies that I want, so some days may be filled with them.
I am really enjoying this!